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Henley is in every sense of the word, a firecracker.
Warm and raw and silly - her let-it-all-hang-out and-then-some nature empowers everyone she touches to own their own fire. 
She has spent thousands of hours snuggled up to oak trees with a books on soul weaving, writing poems and anthems for self-care. 
A huge part of her work is moving young women's hearts from external validation to relentless joy based on internal evolution. How do we create a home in our own hearts? 
Her poetry takes us to the darkest moments of her life, from childhood trauma to heart break, and mends them with a golden thread not of this world. 
Her debut poetry book, Loose Girls, released in 2020. This book is a roadmap from rebellious, angsty adolescent to the initiation of divine womanhood. 
From1-on-1 work, online courses, to international festivals, Henley inspires people to play and delight in their human experience.
She has been walking this walk for 3 years, sharing her vulnerable truths across social media platforms and online mags. The best part? She's only just beginning.  
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